How to Use Color in Film: 50+ Examples of Movie Color Palettes

A filmmaker is a visual artist. To be a great visual artist you need mastery of the color palette. Many of the greatest Directors, Cinematographers, and Production Designers have extensive backgrounds as visual artists themselves. There are many ways to use color in film. We’re going to break down the key approaches as well as… Continue reading How to Use Color in Film: 50+ Examples of Movie Color Palettes

The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (October 2020)

Amazon Prime Video is chock-full of great movies but it’s a nightmare trying to find them. Unlike Netflix which offers strong curated playlists, Prime Video does a poor job of highlighting all the amazing movies on its service. Don’t fret though, we’ve scoured the depths of Prime’s film catalogue to deliver our list of the… Continue reading The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (October 2020)

The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (December 2020)

Amazon Prime Video is chock-full of great movies but it’s a nightmare trying to find them. Unlike Netflix which offers strong curated playlists, Prime Video does a poor job of highlighting all the amazing movies on its service. Don’t fret though, we’ve scoured the depths of Prime’s film catalogue to deliver our list of the… Continue reading The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (December 2020)

The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (November 2020)

Amazon Prime Video is chock-full of great movies but it’s a nightmare trying to find them. Unlike Netflix which offers strong curated playlists, Prime Video does a poor job of highlighting all the amazing movies on its service. Don’t fret though, we’ve scoured the depths of Prime’s film catalogue to deliver our list of the… Continue reading The Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now (November 2020)

Best Free Thriller Movie Scripts Online (with PDF Downloads)

Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → Welcome to the… Continue reading Best Free Thriller Movie Scripts Online (with PDF Downloads)

What is a Plot Twist — Definition, Examples and Types Explained

Plot TropesOpen menu What is a Trope What is a Cliche Flashback MacGuffin Plot Twist Red Herring FREE Movie Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Write Your Script for Free What is a plot twist? It’s a term we’ve all heard before – but we rarely ever hear it defined. So today, we’re going to define plot… Continue reading What is a Plot Twist — Definition, Examples and Types Explained

What is Anagnorisis — Definition and Examples for Writers

Anagnorisis is a literary device that has been used for centuries to create dramatic turning points in stories. In this article, we will explore the origins of anagnorisis, how it works as a storytelling technique, and some examples of its use in popular works of fiction.  Whether you are an aspiring writer or just curious about… Continue reading What is Anagnorisis — Definition and Examples for Writers

M. Night Shyamalan Directing Style — Why He’s Underrated

Best Shyamalan MoviesShyamalan’s Style ExplainedThe Return of M. Night Shyamalan Love him or hate him, the M. Night Shyamalan directing style is worth studying. He’s made every kind of movie: universally loved, universally loathed, and a few that will endlessly divide audiences. But before he became a punching bag on the internet, Shyamalan was making… Continue reading M. Night Shyamalan Directing Style — Why He’s Underrated

Horror Movie Tropes — Top 15 Tropes & Why They’re Effective

Horror movies have become subject to some of the most predictable devices and tropes in cinema. While unique filmmakers like Robert Eggers, Ari Aster, and Jordan Peele continue to innovate the genre, new horror films are riddled with horror movie tropes. Although they can still be effective horror storytelling devices, they can also become unremarkable… Continue reading Horror Movie Tropes — Top 15 Tropes & Why They’re Effective

Best Plot Twist Movies & Biggest Plot Twists in Movie History

A shocking twist ending is a great way to end a film with a bang but great twists aren’t confined to just the ends of films. The best plot twists catch us off guard, recontextualizing everything we just watched and rewarding subsequent rewatches. There will, of course, be major spoilers to follow, this is your SPOILER… Continue reading Best Plot Twist Movies & Biggest Plot Twists in Movie History

What is Peripeteia? A Deep Dive Into a Surprising Plot Device

Narrative ElementsOpen menu Antagonist Catharsis Motif Plot Protagonist Theme Narrative DevicesOpen menu Deus ex Machina Foreshadowing Irony Personification Plot Twist Red Herring Write Your Script For Free → Peripeteia. Is it a synonym for ‘onomatopoeia’?  A fancy potato? A lyric from Mary Poppin’s “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? Excellent guesses, but no. Peripeteia isn’t written sound effects, a special… Continue reading What is Peripeteia? A Deep Dive Into a Surprising Plot Device

Explore and Read the Best Free Movie Scripts Online (with PDF Downloads)

Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → Introducing StudioBinder’s screenplay… Continue reading Explore and Read the Best Free Movie Scripts Online (with PDF Downloads)

What is an Unreliable Narrator? Definition and Examples for Filmmakers

What is an unreliable narrator? We expect the narrator of a film to guide us through the journey and tell us the truth. But what happens when the narrator’s credibility is thrown into question? When we can’t even trust the narrator, it changes our perception of the film. When done well, an untrustworthy narrator can create… Continue reading What is an Unreliable Narrator? Definition and Examples for Filmmakers

Irony Examples — 3 Forms of Irony in Literature and Film

Irony is everywhere, both in art and in real life. Ironically, this can make it all the harder to spot. As one of the most misunderstood rhetorical devices, irony can remain elusive for even the most skilled artists and hawk-eyed audience members. In this article, we’ll lay out some of the best irony examples and… Continue reading Irony Examples — 3 Forms of Irony in Literature and Film

Best M. Night Shyamalan Movies, Ranked for Filmmakers

Best Shyamalan MoviesShyamalan’s Style ExplainedThe Return of M. Night Shyamalan When you think of the most iconic film directors, you can often discount their first couple of films — few filmmakers are geniuses out of the gate. Other directors start strong but end their careers with a painful series of flops. But almost no other… Continue reading Best M. Night Shyamalan Movies, Ranked for Filmmakers