How To Write a Compelling Character Arc [FREE Story Speedometer]

Writing a great character arc is a challenge. Great characters and their arcs are what drive a plot, make a story relatable, and memorable.  In this post, we’re going to teach you how to write a great character arc. We’ll also discuss some excellent character arc examples along the way. Continue reading How To Write a Compelling… Continue reading How To Write a Compelling Character Arc [FREE Story Speedometer]

What Does It Mean To Option a Script — A Screenwriter’s Guide

Most screenwriters write with one singular goal in mind: selling the screenplay they’ve been toiling away on for months (if not years). But what newer writers may not know is that there’s often a step before the official sale. This is called “optioning” and can be seen as a right step on the path to… Continue reading What Does It Mean To Option a Script — A Screenwriter’s Guide

What is Turnaround in Film — Definition & Examples Explained

Filmmakers dream of getting the greenlight– the go-ahead from a studio to get started on their project. But even a greenlight doesn’t necessarily mean a movie will see the light of day, or the darkness of a theater. There is still, unfortunately, the possibility of a turnaround. What does turnaround mean in film, and how… Continue reading What is Turnaround in Film — Definition & Examples Explained

The ABC’s of SAG Exhibit G — A Complete Step-by-Step Guide

So someone forwarded you a production time report (aka the “SAG Exhibit G”) to fill out for your production, and you have no idea where to start? Fear not! You have come to the right place. This quick and easy guide will walk you through everything you need to know.Continue reading The ABC’s of SAG… Continue reading The ABC’s of SAG Exhibit G — A Complete Step-by-Step Guide

Screenwriting Software that Composes Your Whole Production

Screenwriting Software for ProductionsThe Write StuffWrite, share, and collaborate on industry-formatted screenplays, and then begin pre-production. Get Started for Free ▶    Watch Tour Explore WriteExplore all the features in the Write solution ScreenwritingIndustry-formatted scripts AV ScriptwritingTwo-column scripting DocsShared production notes Story OutlineMap out your plot Browse all solutions ➜ Path to ProductionFrom script through… Continue reading Screenwriting Software that Composes Your Whole Production

What is Development Hell — Where Projects Go to Die

Cinematography Terms Screenwriting Terms Film Terms Perhaps you’ve just heard about a new movie in the works with your favorite director– you immediately make a mental note of excitement, quietly counting down the days until it hits theaters, but then a year almost passes and… there’s no movie to be found. What happened? Where’d the… Continue reading What is Development Hell — Where Projects Go to Die

Download a Free Film Location Release Form Template

Download the Film Location Release Form Template, FREE.Planning to secure a shooting location for a film project? Download this location release template for peace of mind. Download Now Location Release DetailsWhat does the location release template include?Standard, professional legal formattingCustomizable areas are conveniently called out in red.Based on popular location release form by IndyMogul.Brief enough… Continue reading Download a Free Film Location Release Form Template

13 Best Screenwriting Contests You Need to Enter Now

I think we all can agree, screenwriting contests can be useful tools for both new writers and those with experience under their belts. They’re excellent ways to get noticed, but some of the contests out there can’t take you as far as some others. So what are the best screenwriting contests to enter? Continue reading 13… Continue reading 13 Best Screenwriting Contests You Need to Enter Now

How to Make a Short Film — 12 Steps from Idea to Finished Film

ProcessOpen menu How to Make a Short Film Short Film Schedule Tips Write a Short That Gets Noticed How to Storyboard a Short Film Phases of Short Film Pre-Production How Whiplash Went From a Short to a Feature ResourcesOpen menu Best Short Films of All Time Best Short Film Ideas Crowdfunding Movies The Ultimate Film… Continue reading How to Make a Short Film — 12 Steps from Idea to Finished Film