Best Quentin Tarantino Movies Ranked for Filmmakers

Quentin Tarantino has been one of the most controversial and intriguing directors since the 1990s. Some people adore his quippy dialogue while others flinch in fear from his giddy reliance on excessive violence. And the feet. So many feet. We’re ranked all Quentin Tarantino films here so that if you haven’t watched anything from the prolific… Continue reading Best Quentin Tarantino Movies Ranked for Filmmakers

25 Best Opening Scenes in Movies & What Makes Them Great

In psychology, there’s something called the serial position effect. It means people tend to remember what comes first and last, not what occurs in the middle. Filmmakers know this phenomenon all too well. Combine that with today’s stream-ability and countless options… and the opening to a film is as important as ever. Today, we study the best… Continue reading 25 Best Opening Scenes in Movies & What Makes Them Great

How to Introduce Characters in a Screenplay: Character Descriptions Tips

Understanding how to introduce characters in a screenplay takes more than properly formatting character descriptions.  You want to consider when, where, and how each decision will play out in the mind of the reader and then how it will translate onscreen. We’ll explian screenwriting character introductions so that you can build rich character descriptions that set… Continue reading How to Introduce Characters in a Screenplay: Character Descriptions Tips

22 Screenwriting Tips for Better Movie Dialogue in Your Scripts

Learning how to write dialogue is not easy. You’ve written a pretty good script, but you know it could be GREAT. Could writing better dialogue in your screenplay be that missing piece? Want screenwriting tips that teach you how to write dialogue in a script with writing examples from movies and TV to go with each… Continue reading 22 Screenwriting Tips for Better Movie Dialogue in Your Scripts

How to Put Your Story Into Screenplay Format

How to Format a ScreenplayOpen menu Scene Headings Sluglines Action / Description Dialogue Transitions TV Script Format 101 FREE Movie Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Write Your Script for Free Alright — you’ve got it. The screenplay idea that will change the world, break box office records, and win you every single Oscar. Only… you don’t quite understand… Continue reading How to Put Your Story Into Screenplay Format

Best Movies on Netflix — A Playlist for Filmmakers (June 2020)

How often do you find yourself scrolling through Netflix for an hour trying to find something to watch? The next time that happens, put down the remote for a second and bring up this list. We’ll be updating this guide to the best movies on Netflix monthly, so all of you aspiring filmmakers out there can… Continue reading Best Movies on Netflix — A Playlist for Filmmakers (June 2020)

Best Movies on Netflix — A Playlist for Filmmakers (July 2020)

Every month, dozens of movies arrive on Netflix, but it can be a hassle keeping track of all the great content that comes and goes. Don’t fret though, we’re going to break down the best new movies on Netflix each month to help you decide on what to watch. These are the best of what’s… Continue reading Best Movies on Netflix — A Playlist for Filmmakers (July 2020)

What is an Antagonist — Definition & Examples

Narrative ElementsOpen menu Antagonist Catharsis Motif Plot Protagonist Theme Narrative DevicesOpen menu Deus ex Machina Foreshadowing Irony Personification Plot Twist Red Herring Write Your Script For Free → What is an antagonist? The simplest explanation is that an antagonist represents the opposite of the protagonist. But there’s much more to the term than that. They… Continue reading What is an Antagonist — Definition & Examples

Dutch Angles: Creative Examples of Camera Movements & Angles

Types of Camera AnglesOpen menu Low Angle Shot Eye Level Shot High Angle Shots Dutch Angle Shot Overhead Shot Aerial Shot Explore More ShotsOpen menu All Camera Shots Camera Shot Ultimate Guide Create Free Shot List There will be moments in any good story where the main character is under duress. Where something is… wrong. How… Continue reading Dutch Angles: Creative Examples of Camera Movements & Angles

Best Free Action Movie Scripts Online (with PDF Downloads)

Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → Welcome to StudioBinder’s… Continue reading Best Free Action Movie Scripts Online (with PDF Downloads)

Best Movie Monologues — Top 20 Ranked for Writers & Actors

Movies have been known to transport us to different worlds, times, and experiences through the power of storytelling. And one of the most magical ways that movies do this is through the use of monologues. From inspiring speeches that make us want to stand up and take action to heart-wrenching confessions that bring us to… Continue reading Best Movie Monologues — Top 20 Ranked for Writers & Actors

War Movie Scripts Online (with Free PDF Downloads)

Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → Welcome to StudioBinder’s… Continue reading War Movie Scripts Online (with Free PDF Downloads)

Quentin Tarantino Interviews, Directing Tips & Quotes on Film

Best Tarantino MoviesQT’s Directing StyleQT Directing Tips QT DialogueOnce Upon a Time AnalysisBasterds Breakdown How do you learn filmmaking techniques from a director like Quentin Tarantino? You can watch his films, and learn his filmmaking process with quotes from Quentin Tarantino interviews. We also built a video with directing tips and examples from Quentin Tarantino… Continue reading Quentin Tarantino Interviews, Directing Tips & Quotes on Film

What is Development Hell — Where Projects Go to Die

Cinematography Terms Screenwriting Terms Film Terms Perhaps you’ve just heard about a new movie in the works with your favorite director– you immediately make a mental note of excitement, quietly counting down the days until it hits theaters, but then a year almost passes and… there’s no movie to be found. What happened? Where’d the… Continue reading What is Development Hell — Where Projects Go to Die

What is Suspense — The Elements of Suspense Explained

There are few things that can keep an audience more engaged in a film than suspense. But what is suspense, exactly? That feeling of intense anticipation can be found in various genres and have an audience leaning forward with their eyes glued to the screen. Understanding what suspense is and how it differs from other… Continue reading What is Suspense — The Elements of Suspense Explained

Quentin Tarantino Food Scenes — The Complete Menu

Quentin Tarantino is known for a lot of things: distinct dialogue, explosive violence, pop culture pastiches. But his movies also contain another less-discussed element that is as important as his other signatures: food. In Tarantino movies, food is crucial. It can reveal character traits, propel plots, and expand themes. Some of Tarantino’s most famous scenes… Continue reading Quentin Tarantino Food Scenes — The Complete Menu

The Best Villains of All Time — 23 Vile and Vicious Evildoers

Sometimes, a hero is only as good as their villain. Whether they’re a charismatic villain that you love to hate or pure, unadulterated evil, these villains will stick in your mind for years to come. Be sure to check out our How to Write a Villain video essay below for a breakdown of three villainous… Continue reading The Best Villains of All Time — 23 Vile and Vicious Evildoers

Inglourious Basterds Script PDF Download and Analysis

Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → Inglourious Basterds was… Continue reading Inglourious Basterds Script PDF Download and Analysis