Film Lighting Techniques — How to Get a Cinematic Look

BasicsOpen menu Basics of Film Lighting What Does a Cinematographer Do What is Cinematography What is Digital Cinematography Cinematography Terms What is Motion Blur Lighting EssentialsOpen menu 3-Point Lighting What is Key Light What is Fill Light What is Backlight What is Practical Lighting When is Golden Hour E-BooksOpen menu FREE Ebook: Camera Lenses Explained… Continue reading Film Lighting Techniques — How to Get a Cinematic Look

What is a Rim Light — 3 Point Lighting Techniques Explained

Cinematography and photography is naturally a two-dimensional medium. However, great cinematographers and photographers utilize light to create three-dimensional effects. One of the tools they have to do this is the rim light.  A rim light can keep an image from falling flat. Rim lighting can bring out shapes, textures, and contours that make an image appear… Continue reading What is a Rim Light — 3 Point Lighting Techniques Explained