What is Assonance — Definition and Examples for Writers

One of the most effective ways at making a line of text in literature memorable is by creating rhythm. Writers have a few ways of creating rhythm such as rhyming and alliteration. However, both can become redundant because of their more obvious nature. A more subtle literary device that creates rhythm is assonance. What is… Continue reading What is Assonance — Definition and Examples for Writers

19 Best Tim Burton Movies — His Entire Filmography Ranked

Tim Burton is a curious talent. From the start of any of his movies, you instantly have the thought, “Oh yeah, this is a Tim Burton movie.” He has a unique aesthetic, showcasing the beauty in the morbid. His career has been a rollercoaster of quality. From classics to clunkers, Burton’s unique filmmaking style has… Continue reading 19 Best Tim Burton Movies — His Entire Filmography Ranked