What is a Mockumentary — Definition, Examples & History

Oh, mockumentaries how I love thee. Mockumentaries – or simply mock documentaries – have entertained and inspired the world for decades. But what is a mockumentary? We’re going to break down the history of this subgenre, including the first mockumentary, by looking at iconic examples from Woody Allen, Christopher Guest, and more. By the end,… Continue reading What is a Mockumentary — Definition, Examples & History

What is a Character Arc — Definition & Types of Character Arcs

What is a character arc and why are they so important in storytelling? A character arc is an essential part of writing a fully-fledged character. As much as we like seeing goals being achieved, it is the internal, positive change in characters that we really gravitate towards. We’re going to answer those questions with a… Continue reading What is a Character Arc — Definition & Types of Character Arcs