30 Best Zombie Movies Ever (and Where to Watch Them)

From the 1930s to the modern era, zombie movies have terrified audiences. They’ve also occupied a unique position in the horror genre in that they can serve as sociopolitical allegories. But of course, there are some zombie movies that exist solely to make you laugh. For this list, we’re ranking the 30 best zombie movies of… Continue reading 30 Best Zombie Movies Ever (and Where to Watch Them)

What is an Establishing Shot? Creative Examples that Set the Tone

Types of FramingOpen menu Establishing Shot Single Shot Two Shot Over the Shoulder Insert Shot POV Shot More ShotsOpen menu All Shots & Angles Camera Shot Ultimate Guide Create Free Shot List Now You’ve written a script or maybe you’re trying to figure out a script’s shot list. You know what the film is about… Continue reading What is an Establishing Shot? Creative Examples that Set the Tone