Editing EssentialsOpen menu What is Film Editing Types of Editing Transitions How to Become a Film Editor What is a Film Cut What is a Freeze Frame DownloadablesOpen menu Free Video Transitions Free Sound Effects for Video Editing Best Free Video LUTs Ding Sound Effect Download Muzzle Flash Effect Download Free Fog Overlay Templates Editing… Continue reading What is a J-Cut in Film — Editing Techniques Explained
What is a Mexican Standoff? And for that matter, how does it differ from a regular standoff? In this post, we’ll be digging into the term, breaking down its origins, clearing up common misconceptions, and taking a look at some of the best examples. We’ll also be answering the question: why is it called a… Continue reading What is a Mexican Standoff — How to Direct a Showdown
With over 40 years of experience working as a feature cinematographer, Robert Richardson has lensed movies for director’s like Oliver Stone, Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino. He’s worked on everything from 65mm film to stereoscopic 3D and has won the Academy Award for cinematography three times (for his work on JFK, The Aviator and Hugo)!… Continue reading Robert Richardson Style — Tarantino, Scorsese’s DP Techniques
The South Korean film industry has been busy pumping out many of the best movies made over the last couple of decades. With Parasite’s best picture win shining a fresh spotlight on the SK film scene, we thought it would be helpful to offer a guide for newcomers to the best of South Korea’s cinematic… Continue reading Best Korean Movies of All-Time — ‘Parasite’ and Beyond
How is a filmmaker remembered? For their best film? For their worst? Or by their complete work of movies? The latter is known as a filmography. It is a tool used by filmmakers, critics, and fans alike to understand the work and evolution of individuals or companies within the film industry.Continue reading What is a… Continue reading What is a Filmography — And Why it Matters
Audiences and filmmakers alike love sequels. And we all love to rank and debate which are the “greatest.” But deciding which films belong on a “best movie sequels of all time” list can feel overwhelming. How does one choose from every film ever made? And how to rank one above the other? While such a… Continue reading Best Movie Sequels of All Time, Ranked for Filmmakers
EssentialsOpen menu What is Sound Design Sound Editing vs Sound Mixing What is Voice Over What is Diegetic Sound What is Non-Diegetic Sound What is a Film Score TechniquesOpen menu Ultimate Guide to Sound Recording Filmmaker’s Guide to Sound Effect Techniques What is a Sound Bridge What is The Shepard Tone How to Design a… Continue reading The Best Quentin Tarantino Songs Used in His Movies
Screenplays By GenreOpen menu Comedy Sci-Fi Drama Crime TV Scripts Horror ResourcesOpen menu FREE Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Best Screenplays to Read Shane Black Movies & Screenwriting Explained Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay Best Horror Movie Scripts to Download Write Your Script for Free → Introducing StudioBinder’s screenplay… Continue reading Explore and Read the Best Free Movie Scripts Online (with PDF Downloads)
Whip pans, swish pans, whip shot — whatever you call them, they are a great tool for creating seamless cuts and cool effects in your videos, but understanding how to build an effective whip pan is equally important. Continue reading What is a Whip Pan or Swish Pan: How to Shoot Whip Pan Transitions
Best Tarantino MoviesQT’s Directing StyleQT Directing Tips QT DialogueOnce Upon a Time AnalysisBasterds Breakdown Quentin Tarantino is known for many things as a filmmaker. His films have unpredictable violence and masterfully-crafted scenes. But above all else, Tarantino is known for his dialogue. It’s not easy holding an audience’s attention for even two minutes, but Tarantino somehow… Continue reading How to Write Dialogue Like Quentin Tarantino — Kill Bill Analysis
Best Tarantino MoviesQT’s Directing StyleQT Directing Tips QT DialogueOnce Upon a Time AnalysisBasterds Breakdown Is there any filmmaker whose personality is more apparent when you watch his films than Quentin Tarantino? In his own quirky way, Tarantino has introduced us to some of the most shocking and moving emotional moments on film. Of course, Quentin Tarantino’s… Continue reading The Directing Style of Quentin Tarantino