What Is a Talking Head — Definition and Examples

Cinematography Terms Screenwriting Terms Film Terms A “talking head.” It’s a quick term to describe news broadcasters or perhaps your favorite ‘80s band. But where did it originate, and how has it become ubiquitous in our most commonly-consumed media? In this article, we’ll break down the definition of the term as well as provide some… Continue reading What Is a Talking Head — Definition and Examples

What Are Cue Cards — Definition, Examples and Purpose

Cinematography Terms Screenwriting Terms Film Terms Cue cards are more than just an assist for on-camera actors in a pinch, they’re an essential tool productions can use when their show is changing too quickly for the performers to properly acclimate. Though most frequently used in live television, its origins stem all the way back to… Continue reading What Are Cue Cards — Definition, Examples and Purpose

What Does a Movie Critic Do — And How to Become One

Cinematography Terms Screenwriting Terms Film Terms Chances are, if you’ve shelled out money to go to the movies in the last year, you’ve done so because of a positive word-of-mouth for the movie you’re about to see, or that it’s simply deemed “critically acclaimed”. Movie critics are that “critic” that often shapes the public discourse,… Continue reading What Does a Movie Critic Do — And How to Become One

What Are Upfronts in TV — How Advertising Works in Television

Ever wondered why certain “hot new TV shows” get a full-on media blitz while others… barely get a bus ad? It’s more than just the luck of the draw, but rather a TV business strategy that starts at an annual event called the TV Upfronts taking place every Spring in New York. But what are… Continue reading What Are Upfronts in TV — How Advertising Works in Television

What Does It Mean To Option a Script — A Screenwriter’s Guide

Most screenwriters write with one singular goal in mind: selling the screenplay they’ve been toiling away on for months (if not years). But what newer writers may not know is that there’s often a step before the official sale. This is called “optioning” and can be seen as a right step on the path to… Continue reading What Does It Mean To Option a Script — A Screenwriter’s Guide

Best Screenwriting Internships — And Why They’re Great

Screenwriting ResourcesOpen menu Screenwriting Internships Screenwriting Classes Online Screenwriting Websites Screenwriting Programs Screenwriting Fellowships Screenwriting Books Free Scripts: StudioBinder Screenwriting Library Write Your Script for Free Breaking into the Entertainment Industry as a screenwriter can often feel mysterious and difficult. With so many ways to “make it,” how do you determine which path is “the… Continue reading Best Screenwriting Internships — And Why They’re Great

What is Development Hell — Where Projects Go to Die

Cinematography Terms Screenwriting Terms Film Terms Perhaps you’ve just heard about a new movie in the works with your favorite director– you immediately make a mental note of excitement, quietly counting down the days until it hits theaters, but then a year almost passes and… there’s no movie to be found. What happened? Where’d the… Continue reading What is Development Hell — Where Projects Go to Die